When you use your phone or computer a lot, do your eyes get tired? Many people face this, with about 69% of computer users mentioning eyestrain. The issue is known as computer vision syndrome. So, what's the fix for this widespread problem? Since 2008, there's been a rise in research about products that block blue light. This includes special glasses that aim to cut down on the short wave light from screens. Laptops, phones, and LED lights are the biggest sources of this harmful blue light. But, a surprising fact is that even with the hype around blue-blocking glasses, studies question their real impact. They haven't proven to enhance vision or make sleep better. So, do these glasses actually work? The jury is still out on whether blue-blocking glasses truly work. But stepping away from screens, taking breaks, and the 20-20-20 rule all help cut down on blue light. These...
Khezia Pontillas
Aug 08, 2024